Jun 24, 2013

Keto diet

Now it is only 7 weeks out from the Jyväskylä figure competitions. This morning I did not get my morning porridge, that I love so much. In stead I ate a protein pancake made in the microwave, not bad that either. Just feels like you are starting the day with forbidden food, pancakes for breakfast. But being on an diet do not mean that you have to eat dull food or as some people believe, starve yourself and feel hunger all the time. 

So far there have not been any problems with my hunger, I usually feel hungry a couple of days after Minna have made some changes to my diet, but then I get used to it and the hunger is gone. For a couple of weeks now I have had calorie changes in my diet, meaning that I have been eating carbs for 3 out of 7 days a week and no carbs for 4 days. It have felt okay for me, and I have almost had more energy the days without carbs.

From this week on wards I will get my only carbs from vegetables. Do not know how long the Keto diet will last or how it will affect my body and mind. One day at a time with my coach Minna's professional advises. 

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